Being Brilliant at Basic Things…

I came across this note for for becoming Brilliant at Basic Things….it caught my interest and figured I’d share with all my friends! Just a couple of notes to help you continue to have success in 2012!

To see the full list from Be Bold 101, by Nicholas Bate. Some stellar advice.

Stop Making EXCUSES in 2012 and Get RESULTS!

Excuses or Results? Choose one….but first watch this video below…

Either you get results or you give excuses. You can’t have great results in your life when you are always giving excuses. Results in your life are a direct gauge of how much excuses you are giving in your life. The less excuses you give, the more positive results you will have in life.

I came across this article early this morning and I wanted to share it with everyone in order to make 2012 your best year ever!  As I started off my day heading off to the gym like I normally do, I thought, ” OH NOOOO” it’s new years, which usually means that the gym is going to be bombarded with people and their resolutions to lose weight! I’ve been constantly talking about losing weight on and off but in 2011 I made a decision to just stop making excuses and get off my fat ass and work out, watch what I eat and just do it.  Now the other thing that I realized is that it took me 34 years to get the weight that I was so why would I think that somehow that weight was going to magically melt off in a couple of weeks, or 2, 3 months or without drinking beer for a month.  I had to be realistic and know that I had been mistreating my body for the past several years so I couldn’t be serious in thinking that I was just going to shed off a hundred pounds in the couple of times I hit the gym. LMAO!!!

Well I stepped into the gym and to my surprise it was nearly empty…there were perhaps about 20 people in there where typically it’s a bit more packed, now I know what you’re thinking well you probably went when everyone is at work, but NO I actually got up earlier than usual and went in to work out with the 7am people. So as I was working out I was thinking, I am sure some people made excuses to not wake up that extra hour in the morning or wait till they got out of their 8 hours at the job and then go work out! Or just some other excuse that’s going to get us in the same rut that we’re trying to get out of! Trust me if there’s excuses out there I’ve come up with them, whether it was to not workout or not eat healthy or maybe even other excuses in other areas of life. But I made a decision to stop making excuses and go out and get results.  Results in losing weight, results in my relationship, results in being happy and living life without excuses.

Here’s some changes that I made in order to successfully go down a pant size and lose about 25lbs over the past 3 months.

  1. Added 1 protein shake a day – now I didn’t neccesarily eliminate a meal, I just knew to add more protein to my diet. How did I know that?
  2. I joined and got a free account and documented what I was eating everyday and saw how much carbs vs. protein my daily diet had.
  3. Worked out early in the morning within 20 min. of waking up and did 30 min. of cardio and 30 min. of basic weight training
  4. Added a tablespoon of Spirulina to my diet.  I didn’t know what spirulina was before my brother told me about it being the highest and one of the bests forms of protein for your body.  Also helps with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. More info on Spirulina
  5. Watched what I ate!  Because of logging all my food intake on I was able to see what I didn’t need to eat and what I could eat more of! No Diets, No getting rid of anything! I still enjoy pizza, beer, buffalo wings, tons of stuff but I also have PORTION CONTROL!

Now these are just a couple of things and I am no guru, I am no specialist, I just letting you know what I did and that’s it!

Here’s a New Year‘s message that we filmed over the holidays, I’ll just share it with everyone and wish everyone a great New 2012, may it bring lots of results that will put a smile across your face over and over again and allow you to experience 2012 without excuses.

10 Ways Business Leaders Can Turn Ideas Into Execution

Check out this great article that I found on Mashable that caught my eye.  Do you agree with these 10 ways or do you have some of your own, Let us know!   Going into 2011 there are thousands of people that are making New Year Resolutions and need ideas to execute their Resolutions!

Paul Kerr has been involved in business for more than 28 years, including more than 20 years in consulting and training. He is a principal at leadership training and consulting firm Skills for Excellence.

10 Ways Business Leaders Can Turn Ideas Into Execution.